Musical Director

The Warwick and Kenilworth Choral Society are very pleased to announce that we have appointed a new Music Director, Alex Silverman, and we look forward to welcoming him in this role, early in the New Year, when we begin rehearsals for Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem for our Spring concert next March.

Alex is an award-winning conductor, composer and arranger who has made music for many of the UK’s major concert venues and playhouses, and in 20 countries worldwide.  He is passionate about singing and maintains a busy schedule as a choral conductor, and vocal coach, working with professional and amateur ensembles, particularly in the Warwickshire and Oxfordshire area – he is the current Director of Music at All Saints’ Church in Leamington Spa.  A versatile performer, he has also collaborated with leading musicians from the worlds of jazz, opera, pop, and folk music. Alex’s music is heard regularly on TV, radio, and on film, and has a substantial audience online.  Currently based near Banbury, he balances practical music-making with academic research into the performance and reception of ancient dramatic music, and teaching at Jesus College, Oxford.

Laura Bailie (Previous Musical Dircetor)

Originally from Northern Ireland, Laura has just completed her Masters in Choral Conducting at the University of Birmingham under the tutelage of Simon Halsey, CBE.  Prior to her studies at Birmingham, Laura graduated with BA Honours in Classical voice at Leeds Conservatoire where she primarily focused her singing in opera studies, as well as taking conducting as her major specialism.

Starting as a chorister from a young age, Laura’s passion for choral music prompted her to pursue a path in solo performance.  From there, she performed various oratorios, operas and solo recitals.  In 2017, Laura was awarded the Margaret Markland Award from the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir and the Diocese of Leeds Choral Scholarship, as well as attaining the position of residential singer for the Leeds Youth Wind Orchestra.

In addition to her vocal studies, Laura also discovered her love for conducting and, since then, has been working alongside choral societies in West Yorkshire.  Following this, she was appointed as Musical Director of the Leeds Conservatoire SU Chorus which precipitated her invitation to prepare the conservatoire’s chorus for a ‘Side by Side’ rehearsal with Opera North.  Laura spent her final year in Leeds working with Ilkley and Otley Choral Societies and was honoured to be the guest conductor for their 75th anniversary concert.  Simultaneously, she assisted various conductors around England, both in an orchestral and choral setting.

Laura is currently the Musical Director for various choruses around England including Divertimento Voices, Daventry Choral Society and HCS Voices- the training choir of Huddersfield Choral Society.

Laura is delighted to be appointed as Musical Director for Warwick and Kenilworth Choral Society and is enthused about the opportunity to excite and inspire the choir whilst embracing new opportunities and scaling new heights!

(Published 25th July 2023)